Vorfreude Dairy Beef is founded in bringing the most sustainable, humane, thoughtful meat to your table. Utilizing retired dairy cows for premium beef creates “dual-purpose beef”. After a life of producing milk, these ladies typically end up in the commodity market as ground beef. Here at Vorfreude Dairy Beef we take them to their highest purpose as premium beef cuts that have been underrated for far too long in the United States. The result is well-marbled, highly flavorful beef with buttery fat.

Rachel the found and owner is heading into her 3rd year running Vorfreude Dairy Beef. However her interest and experience in sustainable food systems and humane meat dates much further back. Cattle ranching has been a lifelong pursuit and has included working on cattle stations in Australia and learning how to butcher her own cows at home. 

Rachel values strong connections and good relationships with the local dairy farmers, butchers and processors and passes the excellence of this carefully cultivated network onto customers. 

Dairy Beef